Originally Posted by RobinMask
Just in case you wanted to know so you could copy the hairstyle . . .
I find most celebrities only seem to publish photos taken from the front or profile, so its very annoying to find pictures from behind if you're trying to emulate a style! Have you tried finding one of those videos - of the ones in which he wears the style you like - and then pausing when there's an angle that shows off the back of his hair? You can print-screen or find a screenshot then, which you can use to show the hairdresser to show her/him how it looks from behind 
Yeah maybe... if I can get a good quality picture ;D Tee hee!
Originally Posted by File0
YES!!! Not sure if I want to cut that much hair away though

Thanks for the link! That's what I was trying to find :P
EDIT: Just realized it's just a mullet :P