Originally Posted by tetsume
KyleGoetz thank You so much...yeah...it´s relly bad, it´s wrote in furigana and for said the truth i didn´t gat why they so suddenly started to write me in furigana...they wrote me before in kanjis and kana...but...can´t do with it nothing...  ...they are so kind, aren´t they?...  ...i had a problem with thid DOTER...if it were written in katakana it would be ok, but in this form i must admit i reallywasn´t sure about the meaning of it...i wasn´t sure if it is not an englist word, imean normal english tern, not rewrite one... so again thank You so much... 
I think you're getting confused. Furigana is the small hiragana or katakana written above a kanji to show you how to pronounce the kanji.