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(#21 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
02-13-2011, 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
I used to mod in a game I played before, and in another forum, mods volunteer, , unpayed, and are only human, and are naturally biased and prejudiced as so. That is fine, and expected.

I'd rather have the occasional slip than to be modding myself. I know how tough it is and am thankful towards those who do it.
I very much agree with you. I modded once in a tiny forum, and so there wasn't even much responsibility aside from reading through once every so often a handful of posts and making sure they didn't break the rules of the overall site. It was such a pain. I'd occasionally log on and get emails from people lik 'so-and-so has done this', and all I could think was 'God, I couldn't care less'.

The mods don't get paid, they volunteer, and it's a tough job, so they have my respect. I don't always agree with them - and no doubt I've probably annoyed one or two in the past, lol, but who hasn't? - but they do a great job in keeping the forum under control, ridding spam, and getting rid of the trolls. If one or two make the occasional mistake then I think it's a reasonable price to pay, especially when - from what I've seen - the mods are reasonable enough to listen to us when we have any complaints or issues.

Edit: I kind of just realised, the mods seem to be pretty much in a catch twenty-two - no matter what they do they get flamed for. I mean if they don't ban a certain person straight away they get hassle every second until they do, and if they do close a thread that degenerates into chaos they get flamed for that too . . . If they get flamed for 'not doing their job' and equally for 'doing their job', then how can they ever win?

Originally Posted by dogsbody70
I have broken my arm so some will be pleased to know i shall not start too many threads.
Woah, how'd you manage that? I hope you feel better soon and heal up well! I did wonder why you weren't online as much, I didn't think it was because you were injured Take care!

Last edited by RobinMask : 02-13-2011 at 01:35 PM.
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