Originally Posted by angelmod
ive triyed so many years to learn japanese alone without help, nearly every night getting with an mp3 player in my ears listening to japanese lessons (pimsleur)...but it doesnt work  i cant hold anything of it in my brain.
i cant find a native speaker for conversations.
watching japanese movies?...most of time they use a slang.
Ok.....you can't remember a thing....even you listen to Japanese lessons.
I'll tell you why you can't remember them..
It's because those lessons are boring as hell. What are those Lessons like??
Are those your lessons??
You must listen to things you're interested in.....what are you interested in? If you're interested in ......soccer....then listen to Japanese soccer podcasts. Trust me...then you'll wanna know EVERYTHING they say.
Oh...and your comment about movies using slang??
That's just plain wrong.
Movies use regular Japanese. Seriously think about it....you think a movie script can be accepted if all they use is slang??
Even a Yakuza movie, a samurai movie uses regular Japanese for the most part....