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JF Ossan
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02-13-2011, 08:10 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
I know why you shut it down.

But it wasn't even America bashing for the most part. It was gross generalizations that you obviously took offence to, but that happens all the time in this forum. (See the thread about Japanese men... holy f*ck that is 10 times worse than anything in that immigration thread said!)

Which brings me to my other point, I saw no more America bashing in that thread than I saw "Japan bashing" that often occurs from regular members in other threads.

You're just way too oversensitive which is fine.. but if you're going to shut down threads for "America bashing" then you have to be consistent with all "bashing".
You are free to second guess and criticize any action any action I take here. I cannot tell you how many posts and threads I have deleted that are "bashing," whether it be Japan, America, whatever.

I just reread the Japanese men thread, and I don't see what you are seeing. Ignorant people are going to be ignorant, then people with knowledge can then educate them. However when a thread becomes an OFF-TOPIC post after post of ignorance, chances are it will get deleted or shut down.
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