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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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02-13-2011, 08:41 PM

@ Realism
I don't watch a whole lot of Japanese movies (though I've seen a few), but I do watch lots of J-drama. There is a considerable amount of slang in the ones I watch and I normally watch school life drama.

@ AngelMod
I hate to break it to ya but Pimsleur is not the best way to learn Japanese. I've listened to Pimsleur a year or two ago and really didn't like it because it goes to ridiculous lengths to avoid grammar. For example on one of the first CDs I remember them saying "How do you say English?" *pause* "Eigo" "How do you say English in a sentence?" *pause* "Eigo ga". This is incorrect because it leads you to believe you need to attach 'ga' to 'Eigo' in sentences but that's not true. For example;
「イギリスでは何語が話されていますか。」 [IGIRISU de wa nanigo ga hanasarete imasu ka?]
"What language is spoken in the United Kingdom?"
「英語です」 [Eigo desu]
"(It is) English"

「父は高校で英語を教えています。」 [Chichi wa koukou de Eigo wo oshiete imasu.]
"My father teaches English at a high school."
You didn't need 'ga' in these sentences. You need to study grammar, I suggest you visit here; Chapter 1 | or here; Basic Grammar | Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese

You may wanna get yourself a textbook
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