Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Ironically on JF most of the time that is about Japan and Japanese people (and BY Americans).
I think there needs to be a distinction made between insults or clear statements of negativity and ignorant questions or looking for confirmation of misinformation.
There are countless questions from people who want to know if something or other they have heard about Japan is right, or from people who make ignorant assumptions about the country. When there are flat out insults, they tend to be posts made by trolls or random spam. (Those are removed pretty quickly.)
Now, when it comes to America - we don`t get questions rooted in ignorance. Virtually all of it is straight out insults. This is due just as much to the fact that this is
Japan Forum and not
USA forum as it does with the fact that the US is generally more familiar.
Regardless, I do not think that any VALID question - no matter how based in misconception or ignorance it is - about the US would be shot down and closed. It would be answered and debunked just as the similar is in regard to Japan. In the same line of thinking, even if it is about Japan - if there is nothing more to it than insults and recycling of stereotypes... It will be disposed of.
There really IS a difference between opinions based in ignorance / misinformation and straight out insults. With opinions based in ignorance or misinformation - there is a very good case for providing accurate information and education. With straight insults, there is no point. They`ve already made up their mind - attempts to change it aren`t worth the time.