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RealJames (Offline)
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02-14-2011, 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery View Post
I agree for the most part of what you're saying, except for this. Of course, if there's a sweeping margin like your bread/pasta example, then it's safe to assume this as accurate. But there are plenty of times where the margin is a lot closer, like 50/50, or 60/40. In these instances, if you're going to apply the same logic, then you're generalizing an entire half of people who don't show the same values or traits as the group you're generalizing. And when we're talking about a scale as large as nations, such as America, then you're making an inaccurate generalization of over 150 million people.
You're entirely right, and I did just mean in the case of sweeping margins.
In a 50/50 case or 60/40, I don't feel it's wrong to say something like "Half (or over half / most) of Americans think ..." it's basically fact.
For example, about half of Americans preferred Bush as their president over Gore. Is this an inaccurate generalization? Is it an improper reflection of the state of America? I don't think so, and I doubt you think so either, am I wrong?

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