02-15-2011, 01:54 AM
Yo, friends.
Could you help with these phrases:?
1 - あまり物語の中に入っていっちゃうと、あたりさわりなくバックアップするだけの
音楽になってしまいますから。 (context: interviewer asks what he thinks about when he writes the musics)
I don't understood the second syntagm. Does it talk he takes care because music can't be an obstacle (stronger than scene?)?
2 - 幸い、原先生にも気にいっていただき、折に触れてうれしいお便りをいた
Summarizing, does he talk Hara-sensei liked it too and he was glad because he received a nice letter from Hara-sensei?
3 - 僕は死ぬまでにインターナショナルに通じるHNKの映画を作りたいんですよ。
Summarizing: 'Before my death, I wanna make a movie of HNK "directed" to outside? Is this really "directed"?
Thank you very much, my friends.
Last edited by kenshiromusou : 02-15-2011 at 02:14 AM.