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masaegu (Offline)
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02-15-2011, 02:25 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
1 - あまり物語の中に入っていっちゃうと、あたりさわりなくバックアップするだけの
(context: interviewer asks what he thinks about when he writes the musics)
I don't understood the second syntagm. Does it talk he takes care because music can't be an obstacle (stronger than scene?)?
2 - 幸い、原先生にも気にいっていただき、折に触れてうれしいお便りをいた
Summarizing, does he talk Hara-sensei liked it too and he was glad because he received a nice letter from Hara-sensei?
3 - 僕は死ぬまでにインターナショナルに通じるHNKの映画を作りたいんですよ。
Summarizing: 'Before my death, I wanna make a movie of HNK "directed" to outside? Is this really "directed"?
1. Not really. It is saying that if he gets too deeply into the story, the music he makes will become too harmless and noncommital just like BGM.

2. Exactly.

3. No. インターナショナルに通じる means "to be accepted (or welcomed) internationally".