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(#203 (permalink))
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kenshiromusou (Offline)
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02-15-2011, 03:11 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
「あまり物語の中に入っていっちゃうと、あたりさわり なくバックアップするだけの

I will explain what I can but please note that I don't have the context, particularly what was said before the line above.

This line is saying "If I get too involved in the story and tried to make the kind of music that would make the story better, the music would become boring because it would be too harmless, too neutral and non-commital. It would become just like regular BGM, which would often lack character because you don't want the music to stand out over the story."

It's saying that he wants his music to be independently good even without the story.
Thank you very much, Masaegu先生.
Previous line "真を仕事場に貼って、それを見て僕の中に 浮 か ん だ イ メ ー ジ で曲を書いちゃうんです。
Thank you very much, now it makes sense.
ありがとうございました, Masaegu先生.
