Originally Posted by Cayla
Thanks alot! All of you! But, how do you know which is japanese or chinese?
Like some of them look like boxes and some of them look like gibberish.
I know this might not make sence but this is an example.
like this is chinese"#" and this is japanese"^" but some times "on the internet
it looks like boxes." Which is which?
(or both?) 
Originally Posted by Umihito
Hmm, do you mean there is literally just like a row of squares?
That could mean your computer is not set to show Chinese/Japanese symbols. Not sure how to change it though, maybe someone else here knows how. :P
Being an IT student, this falls into my area of expertise.

To display Japanese or Chinese, instead of the squares, you need to download a language pack. Link to a list of instructions:
Microsoft - Language pack installation
& here's a link to a Japanese language pack for download (but don't worry. It's free

Microsoft - Japanese Language Pack
The language pack is for Windows XP, but if your on windows Vista, or 7, then a quick browse through should find the correct one.