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(#4 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
02-15-2011, 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by Elenwe View Post
I see, but they always say that the japanese men are the dominant type though.
The problem is that in any nationality or culture the men will vary from individual to individual. In your culture are any two men exactly the same? Are all Americans going to respond in the same way to a question? Are all Indians going to react in the same way to a specific situation? You can ask what Japanese men are like and you'll never get anything more than a crash generalisation that only serves to paint a variety of individuals in the same unfair light. Even if you could label all of a nationality with the same term those people would still vary from prefecture to prefecture, age to age, and so forth. . .

Long story short 'they' may 'say' a lot of things, but you'll just have to meet people for yourself and come to your own conclusions, because it's the only way to find out how a person is.
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