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Columbine (Offline)
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02-15-2011, 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
I understand this is a flawed plan, and I'm sure there are problems both in it and my thread selection (hope its OK ) but I have a real desire for this so I'm hoping some more experienced people can help me fix my shit.
1) Yes your plan is flawed. 2) Please don't use cuss words, 3) this should ~technically~ be in the Japan travel section, but it's not a big deal so I guess we'll forgive you that one.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
What difficulty does no knowledge of Japanese pose if the aforementioned is living alone/with others/trying to find a job in Yokohama or Tokyo for 3 or so months?
You should have no real trouble in Tokyo or Yokohama at least with getting around. I hear there are now even english language job centers for those with working holiday visa.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
* What kind of additional funds would the above entail?
This would really depend heavily on what work you got (and it's recommended people budget for one month without work anyway) where you lived and what kind of lifestyle and expenditure you work with anyway, so I can't really quote a figure.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
Is there a way to circumvent this visa restriction for the person who is under 18? Can he travel to Japan on a different visa and change it? Is he able to work in this period?
I believe changing visa type (I'm guessing you mean from tourist to working holiday?) in Japan is very difficult. They only give out so many working holiday visas per year, so they tend to be finickety about it. They may only be able to issue it in your home country. It is ILLEGAL to work on a tourist visa. If you're caught, it's serious.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
The above are all theoretical legal questions, but how feasible is this plan in terms of actually getting a job? Is it even possible that anyone will hire us without qualifications?
Tokyo is saturated with native english speakers, usually with degrees and qualifications, and schools don't like to hire off a working holiday visa anyway (why hire a teacher for 3 months?). You might strike lucky in a small school, but without knowing where they are, (and you're more likely to need japanese language ability there too) that's a relatively slim chance. You also may struggle to find work for 3 people as well.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
How is the environment for prospective job-searchers; particularly in the field of instructors?
Vastly competitive and very very picky.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
Is it possible for the us to come into Japan under learning(?) (the Japanese language) visas and work?
You would have to register with a language school to get the visa and have them provide you with a certificate of eligibility. This (as long as the schools policy allows it) would permit you to work up to 20 hours per week. Bear in mind if you don't turn up to class, and consequently get kicked out of school, they can and will revoke your visa, making you subject to deportation. This is no laughing matter in Japan. You could be banned from the country for up to 10 years and at the very worst case scenario, spend some time in jail, especially if you overstay.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
Does the national public employment office (of Japan, Hello Work) or the Employment service center in Tokyo offer any real opportunities for us?
I'm afraid I don't know. Consider contacting them in advance to explain your plans and situation and see what they say. You're only there 3 months, no quals and underage, when the job market is flooded with job-seekers in a much better position, so realistically the answer might be, 'we can only do so much'.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
One other plan is that some of us wanted to join another schoolies group who were planning on leaving Australia, flying through Japan to Korea, then returning to Japan and then back to Australia, of course, the members of our group would simply not book the final return flight, and would stay in Japan. Does this create any visa or other problems? (I'm guessing the single entry clause might come up here)
I've not done this on a tourist or working holiday visa, but you can get reentery visas in Japan. Contact the Japanese embassy in australia or visit the australian governmental travel website, they should provide you all the visa information you need.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
What determines whether our holiday is primarily a holiday or not? How is this proven? Some sources say you need to prove you have employment before you leave.
A holiday visa is for those wishing to simply travel in Japan. It is 90 days and no work is permitted at all.

A working holiday visa is essentially an extended holiday visa ( up to 1 year) that permits work. You do not need to show proof of planned employment on application but you DO have to show proof of a return ticked home or sufficient funds to purchase one (currently about £2000 for British applicants). It permits you to work in Japan if you are under 30 and the work is ~incidental~ to the holiday. This means you should not have pre-arranged work before you depart and work is not the sole purpose of your trip. It is not renewable.

A work visa is anything from 1 year to 5 (or more?), permits any hours of work for any age of person, but requires proof of employment before departure.

For full, up-to-date details check the Japanese embassy website.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
一般社団法人 日本ワーキング・ホリデー協会 says that in 2008 only 805 working holiday visas were issued working holiday visas, are there any more figures like this, espescially of the application to acception rate?
All on the embassy website. The working holiday visa is a special dispensation Japan gives to certain countries in limited amounts per annum, hence why only 805 were issued.

Originally Posted by cxeq View Post
How much would two teachers working without university degrees, etc, make at local little schools (To be speculative, the type that would hire us), a month?
No idea, sorry.

So that's all the bad news; some other possibilities to consider:

1) wait until all 3 of you are 18 and get working holiday visas. This could make life much easier for you, even if it doesn't solve all your problems. Try and think of things you could do other than English teaching too; Japan isn't Africa, they're not struggling to find teachers.

2) Go out on a tourist visa (which is about your 3 months anyway) and WWOOF (look it up). You won't earn money, but you can substantially cut your costs with the fact that wwoof placements provide free accommodation and usually some of your meals in exchange for work. They aren't all stuck out in rural places, and it would be a really good way to see more of Japan than just Tokyo, which while interesting, isn't anything like the majority of the country. Downside is finding consistent placements for 3 people.

3) Go somewhere else; the rest of SE Asia is pretty awesome too and much more accommodating for backpackers. You needn't get stuck in the tourist places either, if you plan. Hop to Japan, do a week or two for the sights and then go elsewhere. I sailed from Japan to China and from there was able to work overland to Singapore; it's easily do-able and cheaper than flying. I budgeted around £2000 for just over 4 months including transport and that was ample.
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