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(#31 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,126
Join Date: Jun 2009
02-16-2011, 03:56 AM

Britian's NHS is messed up almost beyond repair. The US's will join it soon with Obama care. It's about incentive, national health systems don't have any incentive for medical persons, drug companies, medical equipment companies.

They take profit away from the inovators who desire it, take the incentive away and the desire to achieve through medicine decreases. You get fewer doctors and Nurses who work in the field, fewer drug companies doing research or development on new drugs. Medical companies that drop new surgury ideas or new medical research becuase the money isn't in it.

To be successful drives everything, prevent avenues of success in the medical fields and the medical fields will stagnate. Communist Russia collapsed for the same reason, lack of incentive destroyed motivation to inovate, invent, or invigorate.

MMM; Stats can be used anyway one desires. For instance, consider the statistic that over 50% of black families live below the poverty line while only 24% of white families do. You could argue that there are more black families liveing below poverty than whites. Except there are many times more whites liveing in the US than blacks and by actual numbers there are more white families liveing in poverty than black families.

That's the trouble with stats, they can be rigged to work in any favor you want, based on your side of the argument. While it's true Numbers themselves don't lie, the people who present those numbers do, all the time.
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