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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-16-2011, 05:22 PM

1. Will trains and buses run after 10 PM?

Trains should run until about 12:30. As long as planes are landing, buses are running.

2. I hear there is a limousine bus that goes to Hiroshima Bus Terminal. How much does this cost?

I am not familiar with that. I am not seeing it on the KIX site.

Kansai International Airport | Access Information | Bus

4. If I take a train, it stops at JR Hiroshima station. The hotel website says it is 5 minutes away by taxi. I don't have a car seat for my baby, won't that be a problem?

Legally? No. Just hold your baby for the ride.

5. By the time I get to Hiroshima, it may be almost midnight. Will I have a problem getting transportation?

No, taxis run all night and will be readily available from places like train stations and bus depots. I am guessing the Hiroshima bus terminal is very close to if not connected to the train station.
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