Originally Posted by Nyororin
Not Columbine, but I am going to come straight out and say yes. A very clear yes.
Hiring a teacher who is on a working holiday visa is INCREDIBLY easy for a school. They have NO responsibility. There is no paperwork they have to do, there is no minimum number of hours they need to have the teacher work for, there are no ties at all.
There are quite a few schools out there that heavily favor working holiday visa holders for these reasons.
This is always nice to hear and very motivating for people like him and me. I think most people on here, don't really know what a Working-Holiday-Visum actually is because only very few countries can actually get it.
The only thing wich nobody is really asking on here is, how do you actually apply for a teaching job? Do you just walk into these schools and go straight into the office and ask for an Interview with the director?
or do you apply online, or over phone?
Wish somebody could answer me these questions
remember, applying with the Working-Holiday-Visum^^