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KyleGoetz (Offline)
Attorney at Flaw
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02-17-2011, 01:59 PM

They key part is the recipe and nutritional information. It's going to be similar to this: (English translation of the Java Curry med-hot product—OP's 甘口 version should be similar).

I've made it before, and I think Java is what my host mother used when she taught me. This is off the top of my head:

add in diced potatoes, maybe a couple, put them in a huge bowl with oil on the stove
dice a ton of carrots, put them in
stir for a few minutes
add in a pound or two of diced chicken breast
brown the chicken
fill about half the bowl with water, bring to boil, then lower heat and simmer
add in one of the blocks of the curry roux (this is what the stuff in the curry box is called)
allow it to break up
keep simmering the water, causing the water to evaporate and thicken
when curry is thick and not runny, you're done
serve over bed of rice and enjoy

As a side note, I made tuna and salmon sashimi (couldn't get any other sashimi-grade fish that day, so I was limited to only two kinds) over a bed of daikon + miso soup for Valentines Day for my wife this year.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 02-17-2011 at 05:17 PM.