02-18-2011, 06:14 AM
Konnichiwa~ I'm Aquiella and I found this place on google. Looks like fun! Here's a bit about myself!
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Bad Habits: I tend to use japanese words or phrases in everyday speech so please excuse me if I do so on here. I tend to get hyper and start talking nonsense, but I try to catch myself when that happens. I also have a bad habit of trying to be the peacemaker in fights, arguments, and flamewars.
Likes: Trying new Japanese dishes, learning programing(although it's giving me a headache), Doctor Who, chocolate, cute things, anime, computer tech in general, making graphics for people, and generally having a good time!
I can't wait to get to know you all!
Ja ne!
If you'd like to add me in a messenger program, make sure to tell me who you are and where I'd know you from!
"If you can't take a joke, put a piece of duct tape over your mouth and keep your hands away from the keyboard." -Jateshi on DeviantArt.com
I Have a Tardis