Originally Posted by MMM
I don't think anyone could argue there are advanced and primitive races here without sounding racist.
You say you can argue societies are advanced and primitive and not be racist.
And culture is a combination of both, here meaning a cultural identity.
Is cultural identity a singular thing for any person? Just as Japanese clearly define their social circles (in-groups and out-groups) doesn't everyone have that? Person A and person B may both be white Brits, but one is Jewish and the other is Christian, so they would not be a part of the same culture (or only part of greater, more generalized cultures being "white" and "British" but not religiously, which may be very important for their own personal cultural identities).
I think I am having a hard time understanding your definition of culture, and why are "created equal".
Cultural identity is not a combination of both at least not from a secular perspective.
The society deals with the public. Law, order, government etc.
Cultural identity is in the same realm as religion (except it doesn't make any grand claims other than it exists).
The private realm.