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xkmkmlmx (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 63
Join Date: Feb 2011
Help/advice for air ticket pricing - 02-19-2011, 05:33 AM

I am planning a trip anywhere from May to June. I was kind of leaning more towards May as to avoid the rainy season in Tokyo.

Unfortunately, I think I have waited a bit too long to grab some tickets. I remember a few months back tickets for May (after golden week) were going for about $1000 (taxes and everything included). Even on JAL. Now all I am seeing is $1200+. And it only seems to get higher and higher. Today the lowest was $1400 -_-

I have not flown to Japan in about 6 or so years. I used to go quite frequently back then. It was a different time, though and prices were almost always at least half of what I am getting quoted.

I guess what I am basically asking is, do you think the prices are staying this high because of the time (May-June) or because of the amount of time left from the purchase date (as 3 or so months seems to be a time a lot of people purchase airfare in advanced). Is there a possibility the fares may drop a bit if I wait a month or so more?

I really don't want to fork over $1400 for a continental or Finn (really? -_-) airlines flight if there is a possibility of something else opening back up if I wait. Then again, I don't want to pay MORE than that, either.

What to do, what to do...

Last edited by xkmkmlmx : 02-19-2011 at 05:35 AM.
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