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JF Ossan
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02-19-2011, 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by Sitron View Post
I feel like that these days you can't say anything that goes against the norm without being called a troll, getting banned or flamed.

Why do people have so little respect for others' opinions? If I say something that you feel offend you why can't you just stfu and respect that I have different perspective on life than you?

I despise cosplaying and nothing would make me more happy than a terrorist blowing himself up at a convention, but you don't see me flame those poor teens suffering their identity crisis.

And why does everything said that you don't agree with have to be trolling? Why can't you accept that your points of view are not those of the entire world population?
You have made two contradictory posts in one, and I divided them by color.

You ponder as to why people with different opinions cannot get along, and then say you want to kill people who do not share your opinion. Do you see the problem?