Thread: Reverse racism
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(#13 (permalink))
Ghap (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 117
Join Date: Dec 2010
02-20-2011, 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
There is a difference between equality and special treatment. Our Universities used to accept ethnic minorities with lower grades, just because they 'needed' ethnic minorities.

As a female, I would be insulted at the fact these people would think I'd need a special interview or for them to make special allowances for me.

Race/gender should be irrelevent. The only place where this applies is with disability, because obviously some people need extra help with their physical or mental capabilities. But that's the limit.

I'm sure everyone wants to get somewhere based on their own merits rather than getting somewhere because they are a girl, or because they are disabled, or because they are an ethnic minority because the company/institution 'needs diversity.'
I agree with MissMisa!

also she is more articulate than myself.
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