Originally Posted by ryuhebi13
Hi everyone
My names Jay, i'm 34 and from Liverpool U.K.
I'm interested in learning Japanese (both verbal and written) especially as I do plan to visit one day. I'm just starting out and wish I would have started sooner, but better late than never I guess. I love Anime, Manga, JPop and Jrock and really want to go to Tokyo to shop. In saying that I'd like to explore all of Japan, it has so much to offer.
If any Japanese friends are interested in being penpals that is fine by me. Just pm me. Anyway, gtg.
Hi, i'm interested in learning japanese and and anime too!! Although I am
10 (11 in 4 mounths) and you are 34. I also am from Denham Springs
(in Louisiana) and wish to go and live in japan at 18. My mom and dad
think it's creative of a american girl wanting to go way of to another
continent and live there!!! But I really want to go to japan!!
So that's all about me!!!