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Aquiella (Offline)
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02-21-2011, 02:41 AM

I think I see what he means... Not much on TV anymore that is particularly interesting. I'd have to agree with that. I rarely watch tv anymore, (and I have cable) simply because it's hard to find anything that'll hold my intetest for very long. Even the kids shows and cartoons are either raunchy or dumbed down. Not much is clever comedy anymore, just bathroom humor. There are a few shows here and there that are good, but overall, it's crap; in my opinion.

I mostly watch anime on the web or play videogames. My brother is the one who searches out the good stuff, as he and I have simmilar tastes. I only have cable because my mom and sister enjoy it.

I think what he means is that anime and stuff come from japan and air on japanese television, so it's more likely to have lots of interesting programming.


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