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masaegu (Offline)
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02-21-2011, 06:36 AM

Originally Posted by amiko View Post
thank you so much! I have a bad habbit of spacing out every single word.. ><
I bolded some parts that I changed
(I don't know if that's putting the two sentences together..)

Well, it kinda is but the structure of this new sentence looks too conversational to use in a compo.

「誕生日に私は時計とかぼうしとかいろいろなものをも らいました。」 was the sentence I was looking for but if you haven't learned this structure, which is probably the case, don't worry too much about it.

その中でいちばん好きなのはやっぱり(?)、 ははにもらった大きい うし のぬいぐるみです。

やっぱり is too casual. Use やはり without the dots or the little circle on the は.


Precisely the verb and the particle I was looking for! You use はっけんする if you discover a new continent or something.

でもははは “それはたかすぎだ。使えないものだ。だめ!”といっ た

Great. Can you type 「」 instead of ””?

さいしょの日そのぬいぐるみはまだはんばいされて いませんでした。
でもその三日後そのぬいぐるみははんばいされていまし た !





そしてねるときもしわたしのぬいぐるみがそばにいないと 、わたしは 眠ることができません

とてもかわいいので、それが一番好きな誕生日プレゼ ントです。


I may have sounded strict but if I did, that's because it didn't take me a second to tell that you loved studying Japanese! You study because you really want to, not because you just happened to register for a course or you had to do a foreign language. It shows in your writing.
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