Thread: Reverse racism
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(#41 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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02-21-2011, 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by Mavira View Post
Economic privilege is not the same as white privilege.

I agree. But you suggested race/gender should be irrelevant. I said that we should not ignore race and gender, as ignoring this means we also ignore the problems that come with race and gender.

If it was a policy, I can see why it would be problematic. But you gave no evidence, so I was inclined to believe you assumed it.

You don't think racism is about power and oppression?
I did not deny that you had experienced discrimination,as I do not know you, but rather that discrimination and racism are not the same thing.

You benefit from being white regardless of where you are in the country.

Did you read my argument? That's not what I was saying at all.

I didn't say it excused it. I implied that you don't seem to understand what racism is, other than at surface value.

The way you stated it seemed to be implying that the minorities were purposefully segregating themselves. I apologise if I misinterperted you.

You said that immigrants were causing the decline of British culture, which is exactly what those two parties state.

White privilege is not the same as economic or class privilege. Do you know what white privilege is, or are you making assumptions?
If a black man were rich, then he would have economic privilege over you. But you would still have white privilege over him.
White privilege does not mean that you are racist, or a bad person, or that you should feel guilt, or even that you are well-off in any way. It is understanding that you are in a position where you cannot understand the plight of another, because you can never be in their position.

Fair enough. I can understand why you say that now.
I've just known a lot of people who think anything less that perfectly fluent isn't 'good enough'. I didn't mean to insinuate anything.

I would like to state that I am not denying you have struggles, MissMisa.
Simply that discrimination and racism are different, and I do not believe that in a society where 'whiteness' is valued above other ethnicities, you can be racist towards white people.

what planet are you from
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