Hi al ,
I always wanted to go on a vacation to Japan.
There is one thing that is holding me back...how is it to see Japan if you are in a wheelchair.
10 years ago i broke my back in a motorcycle accident and that made me bound to a wheelchair.
Now i live in the Netherlands (or Holland if you will) and here it doesn't make a difference if you are in a wheelchair or not.
People treat you as normal and don't act different because of it.
Also Holland if a flat country and stores and such are easily accesable.
How are things in Japan...how do the people react to a person in a wheelchair?
Do they treat you as a full person or do they react different?
I know much depends on myself to , i'm a easy going guy who is always looking for fun and not the silent type
(my looks also work as a big plus hahaha)
My plan is to visit Tokyo and i know a couple of hotels that are perfect for wheelchairs so that is sorted out.
I have seen in youtube films the sidewalks and streets in Tokyo and they seem to be no problem to.
The shops seem a little tight from what i saw.
So to sum it up :
How are the Japanese people to guys in wheelchairs?
Are the shops in town accesible?
I can take a taxi but how is public transport?
If you guys have any questions please ask.
Hope you can help me.