02-22-2011, 04:17 AM
Mavira is trying to imply that whites..comeing from Europe and "never" haveing been enslaved or thier resources plundered and the like..wich happened to many African nations and nations in the Middle east and even the far east. Since whites grew up in a position of power "IE" they run government and the like...they have "priveledge."
Mavira..I'm a white mutt ..I am part German, part Austrian, part English, part Scottish, part Swiss and part Irish. Historically, several of those groups enslaved and subjugated the others. The British lorded over the Scotts and Irish...Told them what they could and could not wear, how they could dance..even had English nobles spend the "first night" of a bride because he was a English noble and that was his "right". My swiss ancestors were enslaved by the Austrians for years...It's where the William Tell legend orginated.
The term slave orginates from the Slavic people...who were white...
The very idea that whites are "born" priviledged is racist. They aren't any more priviledged than anyone else is. White's butchered and enslaved each other for centuries..well before they knew many of those other nations even existed.