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SilentKohai (Offline)
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Memorization Issues - 02-22-2011, 06:49 AM

I'm currently learning Japanese, and understand the basics. SOV instead of SVO. Pronouns are typically left out of conversation if the subject is implied. There's no official plural for japanese words. "No" is possesive, or can be used as an equivalent to the english word "of". I understand the differences between positive and negative words. I know phrases and short sentences, and I am actually beginning to understand basic Japanese without too much translation(I get the jist of things). I just have one problem.

I can't seem to remember any words. I try so hard, but they always slip my mind. I remember them when I hear/see them again, but just trying to remember them has proven itself quite difficult for me. Same for the Katakana/Hirigana characters(I have not started with Kanji at this point). Please, if anyone knows a good way to memorize these words/charcters, I urge you to help me.

I am not impatient, however, and I am trying to learn Japanese for a permanent transition to Japan. I have quite a bit of time, because I'm still young, and I am trying to set myself up well before jumping into something like this. I am visiting Japan this summer, and I would like to be able to have some Japanese memorized by then(even still, not much, seeing as I'll be on an American army base for a majority of the time). Even if I don't, it's no big deal, because I know that learning a new language does not happen overnight.

Thank you in advance for your time for reading this, even if you can not help me. I appreciate any and all help. I do not expect full on lessons, I am going to meet someone soon for that(if all goes well). I really only need a few tricks for memorization. Sorry for the long post(especially since it can be summed into one sentence). And thank you once again.
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