02-22-2011, 12:34 PM
I love foreigners! There was this guy at the counter who I assumed was just a weird man but then I dropped my money and he counted it for me and said "Here" and he was Polish. I think I am a bit racist the wrong way. I've got a Foreign Culture Fetish. Until I went to college there weren't that many ethnic minorities. I used to live up by Herefordshire and now I go to college in a big city so that might be why. There was a Chinese boy but I think that was just till year 2 or 3 and a girl that might have been black. When I moved down here to go to secondary school there was a bit more. Even now there's only an Indian and something else which I don't know what in my media group.
It's not multicultural enough for me! I want a Native American,a Japanese person,a twentyracial... Although there are two other half-Celts in my group which is quite good. Sorry. I'm obsessed with race.