Thread: Reverse racism
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(#58 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
02-23-2011, 04:24 AM

I'm going to tell a stroy I heard from the creator of the TV show Babylon 5. It was added as an "extra on the DVD series when it came out".

That show had a large cast of extras who all wore heavy makeup to portray various aliens. "Narn", "Membari", "Drassi," "Centuari". The Director noticed something interesting dureing down time, since he spent alot of time on the set he could watch this progress. The extras who were made up as Narns, sat together as Narns, would eat at the same table as other Narns..the Membari were the same as were all the other "aliens".

After witnessing this for several weeks the Director decided to try something, he had some of the extras who had been playing one group since the start of production suddenly be told to play another group. Guess what happened? Dureing down time and meals the same thing Happened, Narn's with Narns, Membari with Membari, Drassi with Drassi and Centuari with Centauri.

This despite the fact that one of the "Membari" had been "Narn" for 6 months, didn't know any of the extra's from the Membari section and had many friends in the "Narn" section. Didn't matter, what everyone looked like dictated where they sat, who they ate with and who they associated with.

It's basically human nature to congregate with people who are the same..look the same...act the same..have the same values. It's why assimulation is so important. Because if folks allready don't look the same, not haveing similer beliefs or cultural values will only Intensify this difference. Haveing idiot Multuculturalist's blare out how cool all this "diversity" is, only magnifies the "differences" between everyone and makes the problem worse.
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