Originally Posted by delacroix01
1. キミが食べたがってたスイーツ、ケーキ屋で買って来た よ。
This is just my guess, but is ~たがる similar to ~たい?
2. http://img813.imageshack.us/img813/5986/yamikin1136.jpg
I did some searches on the words in the last line, but didn't find anything except some people asking the same question. So far I can only assume クローンエイジ means "clone age", but I can't find out what ラリエラン means. Do you have any idea about it?
3. いろんな人のお嬢様っぽさがググっと圧縮されたような
Would you mind telling me what ググっと means? My dictionary doesn't have this word, and so do online dictionaries.
4. http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/3531/askl.jpg
Lastly, what is the kanji after 想われていて in the picture above?
1. Yes, those two have the same meaning but they are seldom interchangeable. With the first person, you must generally use たい. With the second and third person, you usually use たがる.
This is exactly why a surprisingly large number of Japanese-learners are unable to say correctly something as simple as "John wants to go home."
2. All I can think of is this:
Raëlism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3. It means "with much intensity".