1.) ミッショソ完遂の美学ってのは伊達か
Guess: As for the aesthetics of the mission accomplishment are you too vain?
Guess 2: Too vain... for the aesthetics of the mission?
My answer: Is your philosophy of completing missions is just a bluff?
2.) 虐げられてきた者が牙を しいて何が悪い!
Guess: What's wrong with the oppressed person bearing fangs!
My answer: same as yours
3.) 僕達には今この瞬間しかないんだよ
Guess: Only this moment has it for us now!
My answer: We've got only this moment. or We can't miss this moment.
4.) 悪いが... 俺も天国の兄貴に伝言はできねぇよ
Guess: This is bad but... I have a message for the older brother in heaven too!
My answer: I feel sorry, but I neither can bring your message to your brother in heaven.
5.) 俺の行き先も...てめェと同じ地獄だかんな
Guess: My destination... is hell.
This one feels so wrong to me!
My answer: My destination is same as yours.....which is hell.
6.) 退路はユキが??する
One this one there are two kanji I can't quite make out...
??part is read "yuudou" which means lead
my answer: Yuki would lead you on your way out.
7.) 追って... こちらも脱出する...
Guess: ?? This one puzzles me completely.
My answer: We/I (こちらcould be both We or I) too will escape from here after you.
"人" にしか贈られないものだと思うがね
Guess: After all praise from "people"
And then... *clueless*
My answer: After all, you can be honored only by others. But that given honor would change to fear if you are way too superior existence than the others.
9.) 人を超えた神にでもならない限り
我等カムリの仲間がみな等しく - (ウュールズ) - furigana over the カムリ
Guess - Again... ??? In this case the furigana really throws me off.
My answer: that sentence above doesn't make any sense. maybe you're missing some words.
10.) ...かもな
This I have never seen before.
11.) どうだろうな 。。。
ま、そういうことかもな 。。。
My answer: maybe, might be, it would be かもなusually means maybe
12.) 神の元に送る手向けの花なら清楚で豪華なものを用意し なくてはね
いやいや~ よし、早速店に戻って手配しょう!
My answer: Dude A: We've got to prepare the neat and gorgeous ones, if it's the flower to send to the god.
Dude B: Count on me then. I'm pretty good at choosing it.
Dude A: Alright alright. Let's go back to the shop and prepare it.

There is this REALLY TINY little note off to the side and I couldn't make it out at all. I don't know if you can either...
My answer: Listen to me dammit. 聞けよis little bit a strong way to say listen to me.
I a'int so good at English, but I hope it helped you a bit.