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(#10 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
02-23-2011, 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
what about getting a punchbag or do someting energetic
That's actually an excellent suggestion. Excercise releases endorphins, which can help to lift one's mood. It also provides a distraction from any problems you may at the time be facing, and/or give you time to think of a solution. Pounding a cushion - as Dogs said - or even scream therapy, where you find a quiet place and scream into a pillow, could be a good release for you too.

I will still strongly suggest seeing a professional as well though. If it is bipolar disorder - whether type I or type II - then it won't go away on its own, and like others have said can be dangerous if left untreated. Bipolar isn't related to endorphins or serotonin (low serontonin being the cause of normal depression), its related to a salt imbalance within the brain, and this can only really be solved by meds. It is possible to not need the meds, and to rely on therapy and coping mechanisms, but that would be something you'd have to discuss with a doctor if you have it. I doubt any of us are doctors and no one can tell you what's wrong just through one post.

Like Ghap said to: talk to people. You'd be surprised how well talking can help I hope you find peace soon, in any case.
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