Originally Posted by Columbine
They don't tend to recommend punching or screaming any more to counteract violent outburst behaviour. While tiring, positively productive activity, or neutral action (like say, digging in the garden, running, sit ups, even painting) can indeed be really, really helpful, if you're prone to lashing out physically in anger, punching can actually make you associate your negative feelings MORE with violence, so the next time your mood is triggered, you've conditioned yourself to lash out, making for a vicious circle.
Ah, I didn't realise that. Thanks for letting me know! It's been years since I did psychology, but I didn't really study anger issues, so I can't say the various methods for dealing with it ever came up. I knew about the recomendations for excercise, but the punching/screaming was more anecdotal really. That does make a lot of sense though, so I'll be sure to bear it in mind in future