Originally Posted by SCIFFIX
This only reflect their incapacity of adaptation, they need to realize that the world has changed. This guys needs to learn somethings with Marvel Comics, they have an app for buy the comics and read it on Iphone. Why not create a software for legal manga distribuition like Steam (used for games distribuition)?
There are many manga that never was released here, like hokuto no ken, if manga was sold as Steam sells games, I would be glad in buy it.
The problem is not only adaptation (but that is happening) but is the reality that the younger generation does not see Internet piracy as illegal or wrong. These are people that wouldn't steal a book from a store, but will happily download gig after gig of IP with no second thought of who gets hurt. The reality is, if an IP can be downloaded on the Internet, then it will be with no regard for legality.