Originally Posted by tipsygypsy
Bad thing about Japan? What I don't like the most is that Japanese girls try really hard not to fart out in front of their boyfriends. You know what that causes? They fart out a lot while sleeping. So does my girlfriend. lol I gotta take futon off of my bed to let gas go out as long as we sleep in the same bed.
I want them to fart out when they are awake rather than when they're sleeping.
Haha I lol'd!
I don't think that's just Japanese girls, though. It's probably just a girl thing in general. My ex (English/Jamaican) did it, and so does my current gf (Swedish).
You have to let it out sooner or later, and the sooner the better if you ask me. Holding it in will make it smell worse later, and if you do it too much it can be quite painful.
Funny stuff.