Hardly Immaculate
Posts: 35
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Indiana
My Solution -
02-24-2011, 04:34 PM
When I get angry, it seems there is nothing to stop it. Then I found that there are a few things that help. I believe that they are very healthy ways of dealing with the madness and they make my anger subside. What really helps the most is writing my feelings down, whether in the form of a poem, or just in a journal. I know that nobody can look at these writings, I would be deemed insane XD. But another way I cope well is to create some kind of art. I usually draw when I'm angry or distracted. I don't think this is a real phrase, but I could be called a compulsive doodler. The things I draw are pretty diverse, like knives and gore to butterflies and hearts. You can find human eyes drawn all over every notebook I have ever had. Drawing is a way for me to let out my emotions without using words, whether the person seeing my drawing understands it or not. Another thing that helps me when I'm angry is to talk to someone. It can't be the person who make me mad of course, but talking to one of my friends, venting to them, helps me a lot. I definitely can't find solace in my family, they are all very close-minded people and just can't understand me half of the time. But at least I have found ways to deal with my anger. I am glad about that. 
The sound of your voice, painted on my memories. Even if you're not with me, I'm with you.