Originally Posted by duo797
I would say you are better of using せんこう for major than せんもん though it's not a huge point. せんもん you'll see translated a lot more often as 'specialty'. While 'major' and 'specialty' are similar for the most part, they're not the exact same word. For example, when I tell people I am majoring in japanese I say 'にほんごをせんこうしている' (Don't mind if you don't understand している, you'll get to it at some point. している is another conjugation of the verb する but you'll get to all of that later in Genki.
Also, your first sentence should be:
What you had before is that 'Ms. Ogawa is Japan (the country).' When you have a country name, if you add じん to the end of a country (人 is the kanji, you'll probably learn it pretty soon so I just thought I'd show you now. Use your book to learn how to write it because it's not written exactly the same as
it shows up in computers) then the word is 'resident of said country'. Therefore にほんじん is a 'Japanese person' アメリカじん is an 'american' and so forth.
Thx so if I'm talking about a the Resident of the country and not the country I add じん at the end, gotta make a mental note I get what I did wrong thx. I don't want to advance from making basic sentences until I can do it without posting for help, because kore, sore, ano, dore are next and that looks confusing lol. I have 2 sentences I tried translating from my workbook I would like 2 know if I did this right
1) Are u a student? がくせいですか
answer- yes, I'm a student at nihon university
2) Michiko are u a 4 year student?-ミチコさんよんねんせいです
answer- no, Michiko is a 3rd year student
いいえ, ミチコさんはさんねんせいです
sry my post so long