Originally Posted by Dutchie
Now it's my turn : Ooooh my gooooood!! Are you telling me you actually were in Rotterdam and into the techno scene?
If you were , i can tell you are one though mofo  It wasn't the healthiest place to be around you know. (even yakuza were spotted after the partys) I know were about the same age and i was there.
With the SFC (Feyenoord Hooligans) , Al the drugs (never did any though) , the rightwing skinheads and stuff. It was crazy.
My whole fam is from Rotterdam accept me , my parents moved outside the city before i was born. I lived in Rotterdam when i was 19 till 25 though.
Parkzicht , Nighttown , Baja beachclub...al the wrong but fun places to be hahaha. The Rotterdam hardcore/techno scene is still the best in the world if you ask me.
Here's one for you to bring back old times ^^ : Rotterdam Terror Corps
YouTube - rotterdam terror corps (neophyte) - rotterdam hooligan
Unfortunately I have never been to Rotterdam. But I often listened to the Rotterdam hardcore techno stuffs in my mid teens. and Rotterdam has been my special place since then.