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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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A Lesson on "Objects of Action" for Intermediate and Advanced Speakers (について・に関して・など) - 02-25-2011, 04:55 PM

Edited to correct a pair of translation mistakes caught by masaegu. Thank you!

A brief lesson on "objects of action" from my copy of どんな時どう使う日本語表現文型500中・上級 with my own translation. It's as much a help to me as it is to you.

The phrases to cover are (each is preceded by a noun):

Used when talking about objects. Often used when using verbs having to do with speaking, listening, thinking, answering, writing, etc.
に関して is a stiffer construction (i.e., more formal)

I don't know anything about that person.

この町の歴史についてちょっと調べてみようと思ってい る。
I think I'll do a little research about the history of this town.

Regarding this problem, many opinions have collected from different directions.

「本件に関しましては、現在調査中でございまして、結 論が出るまでにはもうしばらく時間をいただきたいと思 います。」
"This matter is currently under investigation, and until we have a conclusion, please wait a while longer."

Used when expressing an opinion or feeling toward a person or object.
Different from について/に関して in that you use it to more straightforwardly express a feeling or opinion to the addressee.
Often paired with an antagonistic word such as 反抗 (resist)、反論 (refute)、抗議 (protest) etc.


小林先生は勉強が嫌いな学生に対して、とりわけ親しみ をもって接していた。
Kobayashi-sensei, regarding students who hate to study, was above all close to them like a friend.

この賞は特に女性の地位向上に功績のあった人に対して 贈られるものです。
This award is particularly one for people who have made meritorious services toward the advancement of a female's place in society.

「今のランさんの発言に対して、何か反論のある方は手 を挙げて下さい。」
Please raise your hand if you have any refutation to what Ran just talked about.

Means "in line with" or "in accordance with."
Preceded by a question, expectation, or hope.

参加者の要望にこたえて、次回の説明会には会長自身が 出席することになった。
As per the wishes of the participants, it was decided that at the next explanatory meeting the club president himself would be present.

内閣は国民の期待にこたえるような有効な解決策を打ち 出してもらいたい。
The cabinet hopes to hit upon an effective solution [that is] in accordance with the citizenry's expectations.

Used to show differing viewpoints or theories/opinions have arisen regarding some core point.

土地の利用をめぐって、2つの対立した意見が見られる 。
Regarding the usage of the land, two opposing viewpoints can be seen.

マンション建設をめぐってる争いがようやく解決に向か った。
The disagreement about the construction of the apartment complex is leaning toward a resolution at last.

Used similarly to ために, to show appropriateness or purpose.

This is a book written for children.

この説明書は外国人向けだが、日本人が読んでもとても おもしろく、ためになる。
This guide is for foreigners, but if a Japanese person reads it, he might also find it interesting and useful.

Used to show something that has a major influence on something else.

Don't speak of things that can affect a person's honor.

プライバシーを守るということは人権にかかわる大切な 問題です。
Protecting privacy is a very important thing related to human rights.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 03-02-2011 at 06:40 AM.
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