Thread: Freedom?
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HimeChan13 (Offline)
Hardly Immaculate
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02-25-2011, 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
What age do you think people should be driving at?

How is that your country's fault?

A lot of people can't find jobs.

Do you think school shouldn't be mandatory? Should a 8-year-old be allowed to choose to go to school or not?

This is true all over the world.

That's pretty much true all over the world, too.

I actually agree with you there. I wish there was a test to determine if a teen is ready to go out on their own and take on the world, because the ones that do try it for real usually fail.
I just feel like everything is so restricted, it's all decided upon the parents or government. I realize this is true all over the world, that it's even stronger in other countries, but I'm talking about how people in America are supposed to be free. The laws require that someone be eighteen to do anything that doesn't require their parents' consent. Some parents aren't fit to make the decisions for their children. That's all I'm saying. Teenagers have so much influence on the way things happen, but we are so restricted that we can't do a darn thing. Maybe some of us want to live.

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