Thread: Freedom?
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Exclamation 02-25-2011, 08:52 PM

A lot of adults forget what its like to be a teen
A lot of people don't remember how much they craved freedom
To me it sounds like OP, just needs to get out.
I think every kid at some point has a think they do as a form of rebellion.
As for this one person they rely on. Some people aren't as strong as others
and for all we know this one person could be the one thing they have to take the
Pressure from life away. People depend on each other its human nature
We are social creature. I've seen people be alone and rely on themselves for to long
and the only thing it serves to do is make them cynical.

I would ask everyone that posts in this thread to look at both side of the story.
In all honesty this sounds like a classic case of a parent scared to make mistakes so they don't trust their kid. And the kid doesn't know what to do and feels trapped. Adults aren't always right an neither are kids.

Instead of telling OP they are wrong. How about making unbias suggestions.

Also don't assume that hust because someone is young they know nothing of the world.
Its insulting to any young person teen or not.


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