Originally Posted by MMM
Who said anything about the law? I am talking about Japanese society. What "all" are you talking about?
Ah you know the scary masses with hello kitty and plush toys around their phones in numbers that could scare the pants out of Chinese army, clothes on birds in their late 20s that fit teenagers going through the disaster of puberty, etc.
I must say though that last summer I have noticed a slight change in global fashion (in Tokyo), yet again like mindless a skull of fish they have all switched to shorts high heal boots and miniskirts now. Its the similar pattern to "oh no my neighbour's kid learns the violin so mine has to do it too asap".
All that clapping hands like baby seals on crack because a neighbour got a minipitbull made by Sony, or girls acting like they were weaker than dried petals of falling sakura in their late 80s. Nahmsaying?
Wasn't that Eisenhower who said that Japanese should be treated like they're 12 yo? Girls act that way because Japanese men require it, being pertified by a sight of independent women. I am talking about general pattern, not every single Japanese girl that lives. If it was so it would be an epidemy.