Originally Posted by Demitrichan
So because you remember those days.
All parents take all things into consideration all the time with every decision?
Because even to suggest such a thing would be a short sited view.
You can't always take example from your life and apply it to others.
Sometimes parents aren't good at what they do.
There is a such thing as a bad parent
Strict parenting can equal bad parenting.
Just because someone's young does not mean they are wrong
and more than you might think someone older with believe that they are right because they are older.
and sense you were once a teen yourself I know you've seen it too.
It is impossible for one person to be right simply because of age or experience they are only more likely to be right.
Parents understand that kids don't like every decision that is made, and understand that decisions they make may break the hearts of their children, but sometimes those decisions have to made. That's life.
Naturally parents like to make popular decisions, but sometimes that isn't possible. I remember when I was young my best friend had to move across the country because if his father's job. We were so mad, and couldn't believe how unfair this was. How could his father not consider his child's feelings when making the decision to move. Now that I am an adult I can look back and see how shortsighted and selfish WE were being, but at the time we couldn't see it like that. The father was doing the best thing for his family, even if the children didn't see it that way.
Of course there are bad parents out there, and of course sometimes kids are better at making decisions than their parents. But what I am saying is ALL kids feel this way at some point in life, and I bet a majority of adults look back on those times and laugh.