Originally Posted by GoNative
Not such a bad thing really is it? Fashion is only something for those that care about their appearance either because of manipulations of marketing to make us feel insecure unless we look a certain way or to fit into certain social groups or project an image about oursleves through our clothing. Once you're completely comfortable with who you are and don't get worried about how others perceive you things like fashion have little meaning in your life.
As you can see I don't think much of the whole idea of fashion. I dress to be comfortable, nothing more and nothing less. And thankfully my wife is the same. Much cheaper when you're not a slave to fashions! 
That's true and has some validity to it.
I don't pass judgment so quickly on those who dress fashionably as to assume why they do it.
But more importantly, I do believe that that the severely unfashionable western middle-aged women do in fact very much care about their appearance, regardless of why it is, media or simply comparing themselves to an image they have of their own past. If dressing fashionably allows them to alleviate some of that then that's fine by me.
What I mean is that if I see a 50 year old western woman dressing like a teenager I assume she's a media-whore who's been brainwashed and has massive insecurity issues.
But if I see a 50 year old Japanese woman dressing like her friends and also her daughter, I certainly don't assume anything about her confidence or motives, it's a cultural difference.
A few of my students are older housewives who do dress cute and fashionably, I assure you they have no lack of confidence nor are they media-whores, but they just like they way they look in those clothes. Honestly they do look better dressed that way than in sweats or loose blue jeans etc.