Originally Posted by RealJames
I lived in a small apartment, and it was cheap 50,000y a month, utilities and everything were another 15,000y or so.
(If you were in a city center, that rent would be doubled or tripled)
Sorry if I missed this, but where did you live at first? Tokyo? Outside of Tokyo? Or were you in Kobe from the start?
And what do you mean by "city center"? I assume you mean in the "heart/downtown" of the city, or close to major train stations, etc?
Originally Posted by RealJames
I was saving about 120,000y a month back then so seems about right.
Am I missing something?
Well... what about other stuff? Things for your apartment (TV, appliances, etc), computer and computer upkeep, hygiene and other supplies like these (soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, etc), entertainment, clothing (shoes, suits and jackets as well as the basics) and other small expenses that may arise.
I only ask because from what I have gathered, you went to Japan without much. I figured you procured these things after you got there. Which obviously can start to add up.
This thread has me intrigued. I think at this point if I were to ever go back to live, I would try and bring something in the $40-$50k range for 'just in case' purposes. It would be nice knowing I had the security of the savings in case of emergency, but a good challenge to try to never have to dip into it. And hopefully, of course, add to it if I could.