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wolfrainvn (Offline)
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02-26-2011, 11:20 AM

Here is my 2cent on the topic.

Immigration is a complex topic as all human relations are. Many factors come into play.

To simply say that immigrants cause trouble is a unfair and superficial allegation. Although, the fact is that immigrant's culture and the native's culture is more often than not very different than each other. Their appearance might look different, their skin, their voice. Because they act different and look different, the immigrant and the native would not be able to understand to each other and with misunderstanding comes suspicion or even racism. So we have the situation where people are divided into 2 separate groups, a existing dormant one and a new migrating group. These two group are forced to share a fixed resources in the geographical place, be it, jobs, foods or money. As they cant negotiate or communicate effective to each other, conflicts are unavoidable. The new and underprivileged immigrant are forced to bond tight to their members and this create gangs and violence and criminal activities.

However, this is not the only path a immigrant can take, they can choose to integrate to the native culture and to conform to the native standard. But if they do so, will they have to reject their own values or their own people? I think this is the question that define the potential of a immigrant ethic group to integrate to a new society. For example: we have two ethic migrant group, a Chinese ethic and a Middle East ethic in a Western country. As we know from experience, the Chinese ethic group usually infiltrate much more better into Western society, they have good jobs, live a higher standard of life style and generally accepted. While some Middle East minority groups are still being discriminated against and have a lower social-economic standard. One had to beg the question WHY? The answer lies in their way of thinking and their culture. The Chinese ethic are very dynamic and cultural neutral people, they tends to accept new value much more rapidly but in the process they might lost their own identity. In contrast, Middle Eastern people tend to be deeply religious and proud people and tend to preserve their way of life and identity in the new country. This is not in anyway a judgment to these two ethic group but simply my observation of the topic.

As a immigrant my self, i had experienced the difficulty to adjust between my ancestor value and the new value. It was a confusing and unpleasant time and i am glad that i was able to come to term with the type of person i want to be. I really feel sympathy to all the immigrant in a new land. I remember a saying "The new have no friend, the new need help" and deeply resonated to how i felt.



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Last edited by wolfrainvn : 02-26-2011 at 11:47 AM.
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