Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
Thank you again masaegu! I just have one last question before I can send this message off;
「~どのくらいアラバマに滞在するのか とか、真央さんのSoftBankのアドレスにもう送ってるんだけど」
That doesn't look right but maybe that's because I'm doing literal translation stuff in my head... I feel like maybe a 「って」 or something should go there since I'm trying to say "I sent a message saying~"
Sorry to make you help me every step of the way on this, but I just wanna be understood and not sound mean/unfriendly (thanks for the info on using 「のか」 BTW) I don't wanna sound in Japanese the way MMM sounds in English... 
In informal Japanese speech, grammar gets butchered or one could say, instead, that a different set of "grammar" is used. You should never forget the fact that Japanese had long been a spoken language without a writing system. Its traits as a spoken language are still pretty much conspicuous.
Literal translation would not work, either. If it worked (and if you translated from English everytime you wanted to say something in Japanese), you won't be able to say anything that would sound natural and informal.
If you want to change the phrase above, you could say:
「~どのくらいアラバマに滞在するのかとか、真央さん のSoftBankのアドレスでもう訊いてるんだけど」
I myself had not used 訊く because, from your description, I figured that the most important thing that you wanted to express was the fact that you had tried to contact them, not the specific questions themselves.